We were blown away with all of those who turned out to donate goods to our community and to hear about great non-profits right here in our own backyard. In case you would like to research more on your own, here are the non-profits who spoke during our October Exchange:


When you are concerned you may be pregnant or considering an abortion, Whispering Hope is here to provide you with objective, factual medical information.  Whispering Hope operates under board-certified physicians and specializes in pregnancy diagnostic services.  Our highly trained and respectful medical staff provides free professional care such as ultrasounds, pregnancy testing, STD testing and just someone to talk to in a clean and private atmosphere.  As a non-profit organization, we firmly believe that you should receive services from someone who will not profit from your situation.  https://www.supportwhisperinghope.org


Meals by Grace, Inc a program of The Bridge, is a non-profit ministry focused on providing food support through multiple programs to children and families in need.  We offer a home deliver program for children and families without regular or reliable transportation, a “client choice” pantry called the Marketplace for families with transportation, and a monthly mobile pantry currently focused on serving the families with children enrolled in the low-income program known as Head Start.  We’d love for you to join us in serving these members of our community!   www.mealsbygrace.org


Supporting Adoption & Foster Families Together, Inc (SAFFT) is a non-profit organization with a mission to protect children, rebuild families, and empower caregivers.  We believe that the true path to family healing is to support the child, the birth family and the caregivers involved (foster or adoptive). If you can save a broken child, they will never become a broken adult.  If you can rebuild a family, you can impact generations and change family trees.  If you serve and support the caregivers, the children will ultimately be better off. www.safft.org


The Place of Forsyth County is a nonprofit Social Service Organization that has passionately served residents of Forsyth County since 1975.  The Place assists resident families with emergency basic needs in difficult times.  In addition, The Place also operates a thrift store onsite that provides affordable merchandise to the public.  http://theplaceofforsyth.org


Purposity comes from the core belief that humanity finds purpose through generosity – Purposity.  Everywhere around us we see people in need.  We also see people who want to help others but don’t know how.  We connect those dots through the power of text messaging and social media.  School systems and non-profits in local communities let us know needs in our area. We spread the word to individuals near them who are willing to help.  They click a link, see the need, and make a difference for someone near them.  It may be the family next door who lost their home in a fire or the child down the street you didn’t know needed school supplies.  It’s easy.  It’s simple, and it takes just a few clicks to make a difference in someone’s life.  It’s the fastest way to impact your community, one need at a time.  www.purposity.com