Hi! That is me in the middle in the blue dress surrounded by my people. I am the founder of The Exchange, and I am so glad you are here!
For those of you personality buffs, I am a yellow sanguine, full of energy and living life wide-open! I loves Jesus and meaningful connections. Being an Enneagram 2 explains so much of my heart for helping others, especially women. I want to CELEBRATE YOU, CHAMPION YOU, CHALLENGE YOU and CHEER YOU ON!!!
I am also known as the wife of David (who I affectionately deem THE MOST patient man on the planet), as well as the mother of EIGHT children – four boys and four girls. Maxton, Jack and Mary Madden are recent college graduates. Josh, Libby and Walker are currently in college. And Witt and Finley are in high school. I have two BIG golden retrievers (Huck and Henry) and I am involved in several volunteer positions in the community. Other passions of mine include fishing and helping moms with their parenting endeavors.
I know all too well how busy and how routine life as a woman can get. What started as a feeling of supposed to be doing “something” has grown into a platform where hundreds of women wanting to be intentional with their lives, gather each month. I love women who are REAL – those that value RELATIONSHIPS, ENCOURAGEMENT, AUTHENTICITY and LAUGHTER. And if I haven’t had the privilege of getting to know you, I would LOVE to have that opportunity!
I love the women that make up this community.
And I invite you to join us on this journey!