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And it’s written with YOU in mind. Grab a cup of coffee.
Take a seat. And join us. You will be glad you did.
Don’t miss what Elizabeth shares with all of us each month
It’s A Wrap…Season 7!
Well, as we wrap up season seven, I am overcome with gratitude at the quantity and quality of women that showed up to be more purposeful with their lives this year. Our theme was [...]
Wrapping Up Living Unsettled Lives
As we wrapped up our last event, it blew me away to realize that we have completed our SIXTH season of The Exchange!!!! This year’s theme was LIVING UNSETTLED LIVES. We wanted to explore a [...]
Did you know?
We can go three weeks without food, three days without water, three minutes without oxygen – but we can’t even go three seconds without thinking. Try it. I’ll wait… I’ll give you three seconds. What [...]
Hardwired for Connection
As I sat down to my computer, I wanted to write words that were inspirational and encouraging. But unfortunately, that is not the song in my heart to sing at this time. And yet, what [...]
The beginning of a new year often brings many health-related resolutions, gym memberships, “dry Januarys” and various forms of diets. All with the intention of getting healthy. And I am all for that… and could [...]
Taking Treasures from the Trash
Taking treasures from the trash… I know that we have touched on this before, but realizing that we have lived in an unprecedented year throughout a global pandemic, I believe we would be remiss to [...]